Retirement Solutions
"IRA? 401(k)? There may be a better way!" ®
We can help you set up and manage any kind of retirement plan, including a 401(k). But while personal circumstances will vary, it is no longer a slam dunk just to put your money into a 401(k), an IRA, a Roth, or one of the other flavors of qualified retirement plans. The following video we found offers excellent explanation of some of the concepts, although we must say it ignores policy charges: (See 6-minute video.)
If you are concerned with any of the following:
- My retirement plan took big hits in 2001 and 2008 with investment losses. Is there any way to still get potentially high returns and at the same time eliminate the risk of investment loss? Contact us!
- What if I am disabled and cannot earn? Can you show me a way to make my contributions to a retirement plan continue even when I can't work? Contact us!
- The government won't let me put any more into my current plan this year. Can you show me a way to be able to contribute more? Contact us!
- My income and expenses vary from year to year, and I was unable to contribute last year to my retirement plan. Are there other plans that let me catch up for past years? Contact us!
- I am a business owner, and because my employees don't contribute enough into our 401(k), I am severely limited on how much I may contribute. Is there a way around this? Contact us!
- The money in my retirement plan is unavailable to me without a tax and a penalty. Is there a way to save for retirement and always have access to my funds? Contact us!
- I don't want to be forced to withdraw money from my plan at age 70 and have to pay taxes on those distributions as ordinary income. Is there another kind of plan where I can wait as long as I want and still maintain tax-deferred status on my accumulations and investment growth? Contact us!
- As a business owner, is there any way to match retirement contributions only for those employees that I want to reward, and not have to do the same thing for everybody? Contact us!
- Is there a way to potentially enhance the rate of growth of my money through the safe use of leverage? Contact us!
Need more from a tax authority? See this video by Ed Slott, CPA, - one of the nation's most respected retirement authorities.
